Ephesians 1:19 “And what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might.”
There is a Chevy commercial out right now for truck month and one of the salesmen puts on a Cowboy hat to sell Texas Edition Silverado’s. I’m not sure exactly what the line is but another sales person tells him that Chevy trucks sell themselves. His point is there’s no need to be gimmicky when it comes to selling Texas Edition Chevys. There is great irony in the commercial because if this was really true, “Chevy trucks sell themselves,” there would be no need for the commercial. As much as you might be a Chevy person or a Ford person, a truck has no power to sell itself, and therefore gimmicks are needed.
We see in this passage a glimpse of the power of God to save souls. Thomas Watson says of this verse, “The power of God is seen in the conversion of souls. Greater power is put forth in conversion than in creation.” What a miracle it is that God would bring dying men and women to life. And this miracle is and can only be accomplished by the hand of Almighty God. Think of His majestic power. All creatures and kingdoms bow down at the sound of His name. He spoke all of eternity into existence. He brought life to dry bones. He caused lions jaws to be clinched. At the call of his name fire falls from heaven and consumes whatever is in its path. The moon and sun rise and fall at his command. By his authority lightning strikes its mark. He ordains every breath of every man. He is the complete source of every single beat of every single heart that walks on this earth. And in all of this power and majesty the greatest show of force is seen “in the conversion of souls.”
Often times I think we see the gospel and its proclamation as something to sell. It is like a Chevy truck, it should sell itself. But the reality is it doesn’t. It is the greatest news for all of mankind for all of time and yet it falls on deaf ears every day, eyes turn from it every moment, and hearts oppose it every second. “For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.” So our natural response as good Christian salesmen is to use gimmicks. We take the gospel and try to make it attractive and relevant. But what is more attractive and relevant to dying souls than the gospel? Nothing. And that is the point.
A lost and dying soul doesn’t see the beauty and relevance of the gospel until the power of God opens their eyes to see it. It is not you, your personality, your image, your smile, your perfect life that draws a wretched heart to God. It is not a flawless presentation of the gospel. It is not free food or giveaways. It is not comfort or wealth. It is the power of God. We are not responsible for the response; we are responsible with the message. When it comes to making Christ known, rest in the sovereign power of God.
In Christ, Nathan