This Changes Everything, Again

Ministry Is Tough
6 Books That Helped Me Understand The Bible Better

Birth Control and Abortion
They Grow Up So Fast
I was holding Lela earlier this week and was thinking about how much she has changed in the last couple weeks and realized that I already can’t remember what it was like to hold her when she was brand new. I’m not talking about the emotions and feelings I felt when I held her for the first time, I will never forget those, but just the intricacies of holding a new born baby. (couldn’t hold her head up, didn’t move much, could only see things right in front of her, etc.)
Now she is a mover and a shaker. She wants to see and touch everything that is around her. Her interaction with books and little games we play is more intriguing. But she has started something that just melts my heart. She loves to show affection. Before it was amazing to come home to her smile but now it is even better when she reaches for me and gives me kisses. Given, they are extra drooly kisses but still they are kisses. The sweetness of these kisses though is nothing in comparison to the sweetness of His word.
Isaiah 40:6 and 8 “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”
Peter says in his first letter this “word” is the good news that was preached to us and in this we have hope, even in suffering. Do we cherish Christ in our lives like we cherish the sweetest things in life? Do we cherish things in this life more than we cherish Christ? A kiss from my daughter will get me through the week but the word that brought me life will carry me through to salvation.
My Hero?