I have a confession to make. Rap makes me happy. Now, this isn't something I've completely embraced in my life quite yet because I have been so opposed to it my entire life. I spent the majority of my youth in basketball locker rooms listening to rap. I wanted to like it and found the bass intoxicating but it was so filthy I grew to hate it. Also, basketball is a very rhythmic sport that is more enjoyable when accompanied by music but there is something about playing basketball to DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline (music from my youth) that just isn't right. So I'm bitter. Not just because of the filthiness but because it robbed my childhood and teenage years.
Now you might say, "What about Christian rap?" My response would be, "Did you hear 90's, early 2000's Christian rap?" Can anyone say T-Bone? No thank you. I applaud the attempt but really, "T-Bone". The name alone makes me want to quit my day job and become NateDawg the rapper. Not to mention the guy is white. White people shouldn't rap, period. It's all good though. I've always had country music to keep my soul warm but once again there is something about jamming out to "Low Places" or "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" that just doesn't mesh with the rhythm of the game.
About a year ago, a fellow youth pastor introduced me to the 116 Clique who are a group of rappers out of Dallas. After opening my soul to him about the pains of rap music in my life, he said I needed to listen to these guys. He said, "Not only are they good, they bring the gospel." This was intriguing because I always thought Hip Hop/Rap was a good outlet for the gospel. When done right it is a true art form that packs a message. Unfortunately that message has been sex, drugs, and repeat. So against my better judgement, deep scars and all, I listened to some of these guys. Sure enough they were good and the message was profound. Here are a couple of lyrics from a couple of guys I really like.
"I know it's gonna kill me but I just can't let it go
And the taste so appealing got a grip up on my soul
These honey dip lies mesmerize me
Cries got it crooked figure's twisted all inside me
Fools walk the path I'm on never to be seen again
Sippin' on seduction while we eaten on some secret sin
There's a whisper in my ear and I know I should be over this
But I ain't seein' clear
And I ain't leavin' here unless somebody save me
Walk into my grave lettin' evil enslave me
Evil looks so lovely covered in her lace of lies
And her silky smooth seduction just manipulates my mind
Her fabric of fabrication is fuelin' my fascination
While I'm intoxicated she starts her assassination
Losing all my honor and my years to the merciless
Givin' all my life away but I'm so immersed in this, Killa" -Lecrae
"Yeah I was blinded in the past, like my mind was in the trash
Incapable of doing good or even finding him the task
Was beyond what I could grasp, my righteousness is rags
So He had to do all the work, by His design you do the math
The math, who get's the glory, hey who get's the praise?
Predestined, I was elected, resurrected from the grave
Plus His loved was never based on my past or present state
On anything that I obtained I was a mess but blessed with grace
By grace, I'm in love with Him
He gave me something within
He doesn't love me cause of me nope He loves me because of Him
No He didn't have to save and raise me when I was dead
But He dragged me out the morgue, now the praise of His name is spread
He died for all He would save, it's crazy the Savior bled
Erasing taking my dread, and gave me some grace instead
The kind I wouldn't resist, I came praise be to Him
And I'm confident if I'm in Him Ima make it to the end with eyes open" - Trip Lee
Incapable of doing good or even finding him the task
Was beyond what I could grasp, my righteousness is rags
So He had to do all the work, by His design you do the math
The math, who get's the glory, hey who get's the praise?
Predestined, I was elected, resurrected from the grave
Plus His loved was never based on my past or present state
On anything that I obtained I was a mess but blessed with grace
By grace, I'm in love with Him
He gave me something within
He doesn't love me cause of me nope He loves me because of Him
No He didn't have to save and raise me when I was dead
But He dragged me out the morgue, now the praise of His name is spread
He died for all He would save, it's crazy the Savior bled
Erasing taking my dread, and gave me some grace instead
The kind I wouldn't resist, I came praise be to Him
And I'm confident if I'm in Him Ima make it to the end with eyes open" - Trip Lee
What conclusions have I come to in this? I'm still the same guy, boots, fishin', country music, but I like a little gospel rap. Now you can judge me if you like but don't be shocked to find me driven around town with the bass pumpin'. It's the gospel.
I'm so glad you explained yourself! I was afraid people were beginning to think you were leading a double life bumpin' your rap music all over town ;)