I want to share about an amazing resource I came across about a year ago. Operation World is the definitive prayer guide to every nation in the world. The book Operation World is the primary resource which gives limitless information on every single country. Information from economic status to challenges for pray. The website is also full of information and has several resources to guide your prayers for the nations. One of my favorite features is the pray today link which gives you a different country to pray for every day of the year. It has radically changed my prayer life and given me a clearer grasp of the nations. I could go on and on about how useful the book and website are but I will just mention a couple practical things.
It is a window to the nations for my family. Not only is it informative but it brings us as a family closer to the heart of God for the nations. During our family worship time we will open the book and read about the specific country listed for that day. As we watch the news and see world events unfold, we actual know about these countries and it opens our eyes even more to what and who we are praying for. It is amazing to see how this book has transformed our families heart for the lost in the past year.
It is a window to the nations for my youth. When everything they do seems to be self absorbed, from the games they play to the TV they watch, Operation World gives them a clearer sense of reality. There are 60 some prayer videos for different nations on the website that are extremely gripping and give you an actual look at the people of the world. I think it is beneficial for teens to not only hear about the nations but to see the nations with their own eyes. Each week we post one of these videos on our youth website and then every Wednesday night we take some time as a group to pray for that particular nation. As they hear, see, and pray, my hope is they will be broken for the nations and not only have a desire to pray but to go. We've only been doing this for about 6 months but I had longed to do this much earlier in my ministry. There just didn't seem to be any resources where if I wanted to know about a country, I could find the information in one place. There is information out there on different ministry websites but nothing like this and I would have to spend so much time looking for what I needed that it was overwhelming. Needless to say I was completely humbled when I came across this because it has everything you would want to know about the world.
So that's a little glimpse at what Operation World is and some ways I've found it beneficial to me, my family, and my ministry. Check out http://www.operationworld.org/ to find out more for yourself and see what God will do if we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face.
Here is the video we posted this week on Brazil. The video footage alone is overwhelming and should cause us to pray.
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