Thanks for your prayers while my brother and I were in Malaysia. It was an awesome trip. We were able to meet tons of people there and pray with them. A lot of our time was spent prayer walking which was right up my alley. God has given me a desire to pray for the nations and it was great to be in Malaysia, praying for and with people who are so lost. Hopefully, God will allow me and Morgan and the kids to do this yearly. I look forward to the day when Morgan and Lela and Eli can all go together as a family. Please remember our missionaries in your prayers and the people there who are so blinded by the Islamic culture.
I have been having what the doctor called heart palpitations recently. So I went to the doctor yesterday to get it checked out. After doing an EKG on me she said she was concerned by the readings that came back. So next week I will be going to the cardiologist to have some test run. Morgan and I aren't really worried about it but it is always a little bit nerve racking when unexpected things happen like this, especially with my family's history with heart trouble. The peace we have in Christ is overwhelming, even in the darkest hours. Last night during our family worship we were reading the last few verses of John 13. The last verse in the chapter says, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." After I read it I said to Morgan, "Well, that was fitting." How amazing the Word of God is. It always brings us perspective in life and that perspective is found in the cross. Regardless of life's situations, the cross is the one constant and the source of life. We decided that through this trial, whether it turn out to be something big or nothing at all, this verse will be our theme. Remember our family in prayer over the next couple days as we find out what's going on.

Did you ever find out what was wrong with your heart? I hope everything is fine.